Thursday, August 25, 2016

Rhetorical Devices in Advertisements

Within society we constantly have advertisements thrown into our faces. Some leave a greater impact then others, and some we don't even pay attention to at all. They can be seen online, on billboards, in stores, on our phones, and many other platforms. So what makes an advertisement affective? To the right is an advertisement created by the frontier post in regards to death while driving. The context behind what exactly the death is isn't specified but the keys resembling a gun is an effective use of an analogy. An analogy is when you take a simple object and use it to represent a more complicated idea. In this case the keys looking like a gun represent death while driving. Beneath it is the phrase "Takes one life every 25 seconds*" which is a way of using both logos and pathos to convey a point. The use of drive safe in the white text, which is a bit brighter then the dark images around it, helps to drive home the purpose of this advertisement. Drive safely and you won't die. This impacted me due to the fact that I, like most people my age, drive. There are so many distractions in the world around us that sometimes even I find myself not paying as much attention as I should be. This advertisements serves as a reminder to me that I need to be safe so I myself don't join the one life every 25 seconds.

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